As a girl who wears glasses, the question “Am I good looking” seems to creep into my mind every now and then. I have been wearing glasses since I was 8 or 9 so most people I have met have always known me to wear glasses. The option to wear contacts of course is available and I do have them, but I chose to wear them on special occasions because they are so irritating. They dry your eyes out and I always seem to have problems when it comes to taking them out. I’m not ashamed to say I love wearing glasses and I’m not really a person to care what someone else thinks of me. However, there are people out there who do care a great deal about what other people think of them.

I know plenty of people who are meant to wear glasses but they don’t, and in most cases they don’t even get contacts. The worst of these culprits are actually men. It is quite rare to see a guy rocking his specs with confidence, although in most cases they are more responsible and get contacts to compensate.

Wearing glasses can be very nerve wrecking. I have experienced the insecurities they bring. I’ll give you a real life example.  I went out for  one of my friends 22nd birthday. I got this guys number and I saw him the following Sunday. When he came to pick me up I was wearing my glasses and when I got in the car he was staring at me for a long time. I asked him whats wrong. He said I looked like a completely different person but couldnt pin point what it was that was different about me. I realised it was my glasses. I didn’t think anything of it, but as the day went on, he kept complaining about it. Eventually I took them off. I have very bad eyesight, so it was quite hard for me to see. I later on realised that was stupid of me to do. If a guy cant accept me for who I am – i.e., a person that wears glasses. I shouldn’t have to stress myself out to please them and they don’t deserve to be in my life.

I’ve also met plenty of guys who adore me with my glasses on. And thats the great thing. Dont go through life attempting to please everyone. If you wear glasses, embrace them, because there will always be someone out there who will appreciate you, for you. If you’re not convinced, here are a few benefits of wearing glasses.

1. For many people, it is actually a fetish. You can pull of the sexy secretary look!
2. Rain or snow? Your eyes are protected, while everyone is busy shielding their face, you dont have to
3. Diversity. You can achieve two different looks, most people  look completely different with glasses on and off. take advantage of this
4. Guys who wear glasses – you may not know this but it is extremely appealing to some females. You are more likely to snap up a decent female wearing them because you will look more educated or sweet and innocent.

That’s not to say that if you wear glasses you MUST wear them. If you are comfortable with wearing contacts, do it! The only thing you should avoid is putting yourself in a position where you feel uncomfortable for the sake of others.

So what do you think? Are glasses sexy? Let me know in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Are Glasses Sexy?

  1. I wore glasses from when I was about four to eighteen. Then I switched to contacts. Now I do not even wear contacts, and my vision is good enough for it right now, but I can see it is faltering. I am not truly fond of contacts, so I think I am going to go back to glasses. I think the right style can do wonders for both men and women. I find girls who wear glasses attractive.

  2. i love my glasses. recently bought new Tom Ford frames. they are huge for my face but i love that fact that i can see and give dress up any outfit. i used to wear my contacts all of the time but wanted to give my eyes a rest. wearing my glasses have actually improved my vision and astigmatism. yay! glasses are sexy!

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